Marking Out w/Marc and Dee 1/14/16

Dee & I run down what’s been going on recently in the world of Professional Wrestling, talking about WWE starting down their “Road to WrestleMania” with the Royal Rumble coming in just over a week, injuries that are causing troubles for WWE along with a number of other topics including Sting being inducted into the Hall of Fame. We also talk this week about some of the moments when we “marked out” for what was happening in the wrestling world, when all the stars were aligned for us as wrestling fans and it was an amazing time to be a wrestling fan. As always, if you have any questions, requests or ideas for the show…please inbox me at: and I’ll probably even read your email on the air. Thanks for listening!

The Podcast, how it came to be and where we stand almost 6 months later

So a couple of weeks ago on the Marking Out w/Marc & Dee Podcast, I tasked myself with writing up a blog explaining the origins of this show I’ve created and writing about my aspirations and goals for it. So without any further adieu, away we go…

As I told my cousin at this past December’s Kick Christmas Party, I’m gonna let ya in on a little secret that not a lot of people know about me, and that’s the fact that I’m a really big wrestling fan. I know, I know…HUGE shocking news, right? All kidding aside, I’m approaching 25 years in my wrestling fandom.

My Wrestling Fandom

I first started watching wrestling as a kid on Sunday mornings after coming home from church. I’d usually find Continue reading “The Podcast, how it came to be and where we stand almost 6 months later”

Marking Out w/Marc and Dee 12/29/15

This week on Marking Out, the part of Dee was played by “The Professor” Scott Tison and we interviewed’s Stuart Carapola. We touched on how he drastically changed careers and got into working for Dave Scherer at PWInsider, his venture into writing e-books and his titles he currently has for sale on among with a slew of other really fun and interesting topics. As always, if you have any questions, requests or ideas for the show…please inbox me at: and I’ll probably even read your email on the air. Thanks for listening!

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